
खाने का समय Its time to eat

हरिद्वार का विहंगम दृश्य Areal view Hardwar

Cute Puppies

Flame of forest पलाश के फूल

Rose in the dust

Melting Sun पिघलता सूरज

It was a Dog there

You don't win Silver medal, You loose Gold

Digitally painted

ऊष्मा Heat

In the Darkness! अंधेरे में!

Its alive (जिंदा हूँ मै )

सुमुखश्च एकदंतश्च Ganesha

प्रकाश और छाया Games light play

छत से From the roof

India plans big for space

India plans big for space

Gajini collects 100 crore in just seven days.

NIA comes into effect

External debt races to $223 b

Current account deficit reaches $12.5 b

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

Happy New Year